Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Huge Elmo, Pie, and a Baby Shower

Well. Would you look at that? The month of February is basically over, and it turns out I've been kind of a slacker in the blogging department.

Truth is, it hasn't been too exciting of a month. But in a good way, I suppose. We did take Anna to see Sesame Street Live ("Elmo is huge! On the stage!") and we did have some fun celebrating Valentine's Day (with delicious pie, how else?). Of course I didn't really document either of those things, but lucky for me my good friend Alexia did, so if you're so inclined you can check it out here and here. (She's eight months pregnant, so I'm not really sure what my excuse is, but I'm thankful she's a lot more on the ball than I am!)

Mike and I also escaped for a little weekend adventure (baby free!) up to Traverse City. Kristin and Drew were up there for the Special Olympics, and we had lots of fun exploring and hiking and taking in all the festivities. It was quick, but so nice to get away without Anna for a couple of days.

Probably the biggest excitement in February was a baby shower we threw for my oldest friend Caitlin. (When I say oldest, I mean that we have been friends since we were in our mama's bellies - not that she is old!) And seeing that her sweet baby girl arrived on Saturday, I suppose I could share some pictures from the party.

I'd never really been involved in throwing a baby shower before, but I have to admit it was a ton of fun. Of course Pinterest played a huge part in many of the ideas we used (did you expect anything else?), but the whole day was such a lovely celebration of Caitlin and Doug and the new life they are bringing into the world.

For the life of me, I could not blur out the address using Photoshop. Paint for the win!
Invitations from Etsy.

We played a fun game with everyone's baby photos

Favors - here is the original link for the DIY instructions

We all signed a copy of Caitlin's favorite book when she was a baby

The decorations were simple, but oh-so-fitting

What's a party without a little champagne?

Delicious cookies from Caitlin's aunt and uncle's bakery - Johnny B's Cookies

The parents-to-be

Womb Sisters!

One of the ladies made these sweet buttons for everyone to wear - little Caitlin and Leslie were so cute!

Now all that's left is a trip to Chicago so I can squeeze baby Madeline in person!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful, er, month. Here's to March - I'm ready for some sunshine!

What has filled your February?

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