Thursday, May 5, 2011

Yo, Adrian! I Did It!

I am happy to report that despite pouring down rain, forgetting my time chip in the hotel room, and a couple of huge hills that would not quit, I can now check "half marathon" off my list. And someone out there must have been sending me happy thoughts, because right as I was reaching my limit, about mile ten, guess what song a group of high school football players decided to blare through their speakers? That's right - the Rocky theme song.
Looking chipper, before the face off with the mountain hill.

Rocky is my idol!

I'm in there somewhere, trying not to puke.

I accomplished my goal of finishing, and of running the whole time, and I am proud to report that I beat the winner of the full marathon by two whole minutes. They didn't call me Lightning Leslie in high school for nothing, you know. (Full disclosure - one of my other, probably much more realistic, nicknames was Slower than Shit Schrock. Pfffft.)

Something else awesome that happened this week? I handed in my final Master's Degree project. I do believe that it's time for a nap little celebrating, but I'll settle right now for some warmer weather and more time for trips to the park and snuggles with Anna. You would think that with all my free time I would be able to get around to all the things I neglected when I was furiously working on my project. Like that weird smell coming from the kitchen sink, or the mounds of empty wine bottles and old newspapers that need to be taken to the recycling center. But instead, I've taken this week to start a couple of new knitting projects and catch up on 30 Rock

I do have a plan to get all that stuff done, but more on that later. For now, I'm going to be knitting, purling, laughing, and snuggling. And I just might be wearing these while I'm at it...

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